Jan 23, 2005 iRooster

Orgiastic Boogaloo, Take Two

Wow: three big announcements.

First, I released iRooster 2.1 Beta 2 last Friday. You can download it right now from http://www.sixdollarchimp.com/irooster.php. This release is pretty stable. I need to make a few adjustments to how it interacts with Chimp Tunes, but that shouldn’t take too much work.

Second, I set up a public bug database for iRooster. You can visit it at http://www.sixdollarchimp.com/bugtracker.

Third, I am very, very excited to finally unveil the public Beta of Chimp Tunes. Chimp Tunes is a new web service that interacts with iRooster (although this will be extended in the future, more on that later though).

On the client side, it provides music album cover art to the Snooze window when iTunes doesn’t have this information available.

On the server side, Chimp Tunes aggregates information on what iRooster users are waking up to around the world, presents four categories of information, and lets you easily purchase the music from Amazon.com. Over time, I’ll extend the services that are provided through Chimp Tunes.

Concerns over privacy are addressed here: http://www.sixdollarchimp.com/privacy.php. Essentially what it says is that I don’t care who you are, what you listen to, or where you got your music from. I don’t collect any information from anyone outside what’s listed on that page, and I will never sell any of this data to any third party.