Apr 25, 2005 Zoon Politikon

You Don’t Apologize For Being Right

I touched upon two wildly different political viewpoints today in my reading. The first was from another Mac shareware developer, Eric Barzeski, who wrote a truly chilling blog entry about his freaky conservative beliefs in guns, guns, everywhere! And, I quote: “Guns are perfectly safe instruments in the hands of respectful individuals - fathers who have taken the time to plan for his family.” (hey Erik, women are people too).

Reading this sort of drivel usually gives me an undeniable urge to find solace in a pint of Mac and Jack brewed here in ever-so-blue Western Washington, but I stumbled upon the Urban Archipelago manifesto again just a few minutes ago. I read this originally right after it was posted last year, and forgot about it until today.

the fight is largely spiritual; it consists of embracing the reality that urban life and urban values are the only sustainable response to the modern age of holy war, environmental degradation, and global conflict. More important, it consists of rejecting the impulse to apologize for living in a society that prizes values like liberalism, pluralism, education, and facts. It’s time for the Democratic Party to stop pandering to bovine, non-urban America. You don’t apologize for being right–especially when you’re at war.