Feb 19, 2007 Meta

Where you been?

I’ve been laying low for the past month, and my posting was sporadic even before that. Part of the reason for that was the Christmas-New Years blogging deadzone. But the bulk of the reason was I changed jobs. It’s pretty common for Microsofties to switch jobs. I’ve heard numbers saying that most people move around after about a year and a half or two years. In any case, I was in my old team for quite a bit longer than that.

For the past three years and change, I was the Ux Program Manager for Visual Studio, and the PM for the team that built the Visual Studio shell (devenv.exe). I started on November 10, 2003 and left on January 26, 2007. Not a bad run. I feel like I accomplished a great deal during that time: Visual Studio 2005 won Infoworld’s award for Best IDE in 2005 due to the product’s usability and fit-and-finish; Visual Studio 2005 is reasonably well supported on Windows Vista; Orcas is off to a fantastic start, and will be a product that serves to delight and enthuse every single one of Visual Studio’s customers. And, at the end of it all, I felt like I was ready for a change.

I’ve joined a fantastic, new, and very small team run by the super-talented John Montgomery. I can’t say much of anything about what we’re doing right now, but I will as soon as I can.