May 30, 2007 Web Design

Cool Web Dropdown Menus

One of the most compelling parts of moving to the Popfly team for me was the opportunity to develop my web design and development skills. I (just like every one of you, I presume) have been hacking around with various web technologies for the better part of a decade, but I never had the opportunity to become a “professional” web developer. Sure, I built my senior project in college using ASP.NET, and I’ve used PHP, Rails and other technologies for various small projects, but I’ve never had a good reason to get really proficient before.

As I drag myself up to speed, I thought I’d share some of the cooler components I’ve run into, such as the Son of Suckerfish dropdown menu. Originally featured in an article on A List Apart, Son of Suckerfish (henceforth SoS) offers you the ability to easily transform your average unordered list into a lean, mean multi-level-supporting menu. Admittedly, I think that using multi-level dropdowns as the primary navigation mechanism for your website is evil, but every tool has a time and place. Far be it from me to expect to dictate such terms.

What I love about techniques like the one described with SoS is the graceful degradation that can occur for users accessing the web through alternate means: be it a screen reader or a mobile phone. Enabling all of your possible users to access your content with greater ease can only help you in the end.