Jun 19, 2007 Silverlight

ScottGu talks about Silverlight

Continuing yesterday’s Silverlight love-fest, I just found a fantastic blog post from Scott Guthrie, the General Manager of the .NET Developer Platform group, that covers virtually every aspect of Silverlight 1.1 in a good deal of depth and includes usable samples. Scott goes into a great deal of detail about the basics of XAML, animation, isolated storage for Silverlight apps, custom controls, and tons of other stuff.

To run the samples you will need to install Silverlight 1.1 Alpha, which is available from MSDN for both Windows and Mac OS X. I think that SL 1.1 is going to revolutionize web development with its incredibly rich programming model, fantastic tooling support (Visual Studio and the Expression suite) and sweet browser hooks. I can’t wait until this is generally available.