Jan 15, 2008 Apple

MacWorld Expo Keynote Predictions

Here are my guesses for tomorrow morning’s Stevenote:

  1. iPhone and iPod sales figures have surpassed the Street's expectations.
  2. Mac sales figures have surpassed the Street's expectations.
  3. 16GB iPhone
  4. iPhone SDK
  5. Apple TV 2.0 and iTunes movie rentals
  6. No mention of 10.6 outside of "we're working on it."
  7. Ultra-portable MacBook
  8. Option for built-in 3G wireless data on the ultra-portable and Pro lines
  9. Steve reveals he's actually Cthulu, and that Eric Schmidt's really Yog-Sothoth.
  10. iPhone gets new/upgraded apps, including Google Maps with some sense of location awareness