Jul 08, 2008 Photography

Today's Pictures

Took more pictures today than was necessarily healthy for me. I swear I’m going to blow out the shutter on my 40D sooner than I should. On the plus side of things, I did get a few good pictures in. 

For starters, I happened to run into a man with the smallest chihuahua I’ve ever seen on my way to coffee this morning. I mean, really freakishly cute. This was a palm-sized dog. Absolutely adorable.

You Talking to Me?

After that, Helen called me up to ask me if I could help her pick out a camera tonight. Apparently, she’s caught the photo bug from me and had to get her own DSLR (the Canon Rebel XTi/400D). We snapped pictures for a good long while from her roof, and I managed to snag a few interesting ones with the new Canon 50mm f/1.4 she gave me for my birthday. All handheld, I should mention.

 Budding Photographer

Incidentally, the above picture was available light, with some minor manipulation in Lightroom. Gorgeous lighting conditions, in any case.