Oct 02, 2008 Zoon Politikon

Great Reasons to Fact-Check Interns' Work, #27

From the RNC website:

Obama Would Implement The Lugar-Obama Legislation To Crack Down On The Smuggling Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction. "[Obama] also will fully implement the Lugar-Obama legislation to help our allies detect and stop the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction throughout the world." (Obama For America, "Barack Obama: The War We Need To Win," www.barackobama.com, Accessed 3/3/08) According To The Congressional Budget Office, Implementing The Lugar-Obama Legislation (S. 2566) Would Cost $2.2 Billion Over Five Years, Which Averages Out To $440 Million Per Year And $1.76 Billion Over Four Years. "CBO estimates that implementing S. 2566 would cost ... more than $2.2 billion over the 2007-2011 period, assuming appropriation of the necessary amounts." (Congressional Budget Office, "S. 2566: Cooperative Proliferation Detection, Interdiction Assistance, And Conventional Threat Reduction Act Of 2006," www.cbo.gov, 5/31/06)

Um, and this is unacceptable for what reason? Iā€™d love to see Steve Schmidt, or Tucker ā€œI think I just wet myselfā€ Bounds argue against the implementation of this bipartisan legislation that would keep terrorists from nuke smuggling! (in other news, Campbell Brown is totally hot). Seriously, someone from the RNC should go back through this list and scrub out all of the stuff that makes them look particularly stupid.

(props to dkos)