Aaron Brethorst (Page 102)

Elsewhere on the web

Feb 22, 2007

Petzold on the Mac: It doesn’t just work

Charles Petzold, tha doggfather of Windows programming, published a few choice words about how Macs “just worked” back in December: On Apple's home page, the most important information they deemed necessary to convey to me was that I needed QuickT...

Feb 22, 2007
UAC Vista

Meet UAC - Creating a UAC Manifest

Last time, we took a dive into what virtualization on Windows Vista is all about, and examined the different run levels available to your application. Like I mentioned before, unless you know for a fact that your app should run with higher privile...

Feb 21, 2007
UAC Vista

Meet UAC - Understanding Virtualization and Run Levels

You’ve probably heard a lot about User Account Control (UAC) on Windows Vista already. Contrary to popular perception, it’s really not that bad, as long as the developers creating the software you use do the right thing by not trying to write or a...

Feb 19, 2007

Where you been?

I’ve been laying low for the past month, and my posting was sporadic even before that. Part of the reason for that was the Christmas-New Years blogging deadzone. But the bulk of the reason was I changed jobs. It’s pretty common for Microsofties to...

Feb 18, 2007
Customers and Community

Getting on the Bandwagon for free stuff

Much like ReviewMe, a new service called Bandwagon is offering free accounts to their service until the 22nd of February for anyone who blogs about them, includes a picture of their logo, and links to a blog post on their website. Not a bad deal...