Aaron Brethorst (Page 103)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 13, 2007

Origami' actually cool now

Remember Origami, the overhyped ultra-mobile pc? It was supposed to retail for super-cheap, and be a fantastic extension of your existing in-home PC infrastructure. Unfortunately, the devices ended up retailing for about a thousand bucks instead. ...

Jan 12, 2007

A periodic table of visualization

I ran across this a couple days ago, and have been trying to find time to blog it ever since. It’s an interactive ‘periodic table’ of visualization tools and techniques, chunked into data, information, concept, strategy, metaphor and compound cate...

Jan 10, 2007
Customers and Community

Joel is wrong, too

There’s a bit of a hullabaloo going on out there in the blogosphere about Edelman mailing out free Ferarri laptops with Windows Vista to bloggers. Scoble thinks it’s an awesome idea, and Joel Spolsky thinks Scoble’s completely wrong on the basis t...

Jan 09, 2007

That sound you just heard was the Mac dying

As I predicted on the 31st, Apple just announced the iPhone, and boy howdy is it ever sweet. I want one but, as I suspected, it totally lacks integration with Exchange. Most business users will probably yawn and go back to their Blackberries (even...