Aaron Brethorst (Page 105)

Elsewhere on the web

Dec 20, 2006

Irony in Accessible Design

My web browser’s home page is set to MSN.com, and I just noticed an interesting-sounding article on the main page, entitled Designing for the Visually Impaired. As I have a fairly keen interest in this topic, I opened the link to discover a beauti...

Dec 18, 2006
Customers and Community

Getting a little more human every day

I spoke too soon the other day when I complained about the Geek Squad’s new automated phone system. I received an email from Robert Stephens, the company’s founder, earlier today informing me that he had read my blog, and was indeed fixing the pro...

Dec 15, 2006
Customers and Community

When clarity is the anti-goal

Helen, my girlfriend, received a new endtable from overstock.com today. It turned out that the metal frame was physically warped, and she spent 15 minutes trying to track down Overstock’s phone number in order to request an RMA number without succ...

Dec 13, 2006

Don’t do what Donny Don’t does: Email Edition

I get a lot of email everyday. And by a lot, I mean that it totals into the thousands of items*. Seriously. Much of this is addressed to various internal mailing lists to which I subscribe, such as an Xbox Discussion alias, or Visual Studio UI dis...

Dec 12, 2006

Roblimo seems grumpy

Imagine working for a company that is tolerated, at best, in many social circles. Imagine being a computer science graduate, going to a class reunion, telling people you work for Microsoft, and watching your former classmates slowly back away as i...