Aaron Brethorst (Page 106)

Elsewhere on the web

Dec 12, 2006
Web Design

Label *is* your friend, dammit!

I simply cannot stress enough that you. must. use. the. <label>. tag. when. creating. forms. ARGH! What brings this up for me today was a Digg link to a website entitled ObscureTags.com. The site is really quite funny, I’ll admit, but it’s always ...

Dec 11, 2006
Graphic Design

Make your photos awesome

Blurbomat has a fantastic advanced Photoshop tutorial on retouching your photos without doing anything that that might “look like ass. Avoid looking like ass.” Jon Armstrong, the tutorial author and husband of the chicken-hating Heather Armstrong...

Dec 11, 2006

Crazy rumor: Apple planning on making Leopard ugly

Apple Gazette, a heretofore unknown Mac rumors site, claims that Apple will replace Aqua with a new look-and-feel codenamed Illuminous in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, scheduled for release sometime in 2007. The conjecture states that: What will Illumin...

Dec 08, 2006

Update: Mac developers team up to help out sick kids

On the sixth, I wrote that all of my proceeds from iRooster on December 7th would be donated to Penny Arcade’s Child’s Play Charity to help out sick kids in children’s hospitals. The outpouring of generosity was amazing! I ended up collecting $200...

Dec 06, 2006

Mac developers team up to help out sick kids

On Thursday, December 7th, I and several other small Mac developers will donate all of our day’s product proceeds to Penny Arcade’s Child’s Play charity, which gives toys, games, movies, and other fun things to children’s hospitals around the worl...