Aaron Brethorst (Page 108)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 29, 2006

Oh yeah, iRooster

Chimp Software has released iRooster 2.2, the alarm clock for Mac OS X. To celebrate, they are offering an iPod Nano (PRODUCT)RED edition to one lucky customer. This update features full Intel compatibility as a Universal Binary, updates to its ea...

Nov 28, 2006

Styling NSWindows in Cocoa

Bithaus has a handy little chunk of Objective C source code up that provides programmatic capabilities to styling NSWindows. It’s modeled on Matt Gemmell’s snazzy TunesWindow class (which I use in iRooster, by the by), but appears to handle all of...

Nov 27, 2006

On preventing the collapse of Western civilization

Much has been written about the imminent decline of Western civilization due to the twin threats of text and instant messages. I’ve always prided myself on my ability to write complete sentences, but I occasionally worry about whether today’s adol...

Nov 21, 2006

Web development tools every Windows developer must have

No respectable Windows developer would try debugging their application with printf()’s or Console.WriteLine()’s, so why would you try doing the same thing with Javascript? Yeesh. I’ve been hacking a fair amount of Javascript and Ajaxy things latel...

Nov 21, 2006

One of those months

This has been one of those months where I wonder to myself whether becoming a goat herder would represent, net-net, an overall improvement in my life. Hmm.