Aaron Brethorst (Page 110)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 14, 2006

Performance is critical, duh

Akamai and Jupiter Research issued a press release last week stating that any amount of time over four seconds is considered an unacceptable delay in loading a page on a retail website. They cited several negative consequences of ignoring said adv...

Nov 13, 2006
UAC Vista

Meet UAC - Add a UAC Shield to your Winforms buttons in C#

One of the big, new features in Windows Vista is User Account Control, which is designed to… ...reduce the exposure and attack surface of the operating system by requiring that all users run in standard user mode. This limitation minimizes the abi...

Nov 10, 2006

Hooray for shilling!

The following is a paid review: I, much like Michael Arrington and Robert Scoble, felt a good deal of trepidation about the launch of PayPerPost (not linked) earlier this year due to their shilling disclosure non-requirement. ReviewMe, on the ot...

Nov 09, 2006

MT Weirdness

I’ve always found that if something is worth saying, it’s worth saying twice. Or seven times. ;-) In other news, I am currently researching a new blogging engine for my website. MovableType and I don’t seem to get along.

Nov 09, 2006

MT Weirdness

I’ve always found that if something is worth saying, it’s worth saying twice. Or seven times. ;-) In other news, I am currently researching a new blogging engine for my website. MovableType and I don’t seem to get along.