Aaron Brethorst (Page 111)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 09, 2006

An object lesson in bad design

Hits 99.1 FM out of Newfoundland demonstrates a salient principle: think about all of the ways your product will be used.

Nov 08, 2006

Vista Shipped!

Windows Vista’s finally out the door, and with it comes a whole bevy of new stuff, like .NET FX 3.0 (with WPF/Avalon). I’ve spent the past year working on nothing but ensuring that Visual Studio works beautifully with Vista, and it’s great to see ...

Nov 08, 2006

El Rushbo

…is back to being his old dickhead self of the mid-90’s. Somehow, everything seems right in the world, again: Now I'm liberated from having to constantly come in here every day and try to buck up a bunch of people who don't deserve it.

Nov 07, 2006

Toyota Prius Weirdness

The Toyota Prius has a really handy in-dash display that gives you all sorts of information, like the current radio station, GPS maps, and so forth. It also displays messages to you under some circumstances, like the following one that I observed ...

Nov 07, 2006

3D Maps in Your Browser

Microsoft released version 4 of Windows Live Local yesterday, which includes the very Sim City-esque 3D maps feature. San Jose Mercury News covered this, and includes a link to a super-high quality screenshot of the service in action: Microsoft up...