Aaron Brethorst (Page 112)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 06, 2006

Usability testing on a shoestring budget

Joel Spolsky and Jakob Nielsen are both big believers in conducting usability tests with no more than five people. Jakob has a few fantastic insights into this domain: The most striking truth of the curve is that zero users give zero insights. T...

Nov 04, 2006
Windows Forms

Handy Windows Forms Tricks

CodeGuru has a great article on Winforms tricks that will improve the fit and finish of your application, such as optimizing databinding and using the built-in PropertyGrid control in .NET FX 2.0. It’s short, but you might learn something that wil...

Nov 02, 2006
Customers and Community

More fun

The people on Zune get it, too. It’s about the fun, stupid. Check out this Zune ad up on YouTube, entitled The Ballad of Lion and Gazelle.

Nov 02, 2006
UI Design

More about fun user experiences

Back in July, I talked about the important role that fun plays in great user experiences. A sense of fun, playfulness, or adventurousness goes a long way towards making your software or website more inviting to current or potential customers. Of c...

Nov 01, 2006

David Pogue Looks Back at 2006

David Pogue has an article in the NY Times today about some of the technological highlights of the year. I find it interesting how much he hates Windows and Windows Mobile, as shown here: The turkeys of the year: Microsoft’s Ultra Mobile PC comput...