Aaron Brethorst (Page 113)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 31, 2006

Motorola Unveils a ‘Dumb’ Phone

It seems almost painfully obvious, in a way, but some people don’t actually want more features, doodads, gizmos, or gewgaws sticking out of their phone (admittedly, I’m not one of them: I still want GPS, 3G data, Wi-Fi, and a qwerty keyboard on my...

Oct 30, 2006

Emerging Fully Formed from Steve Jobs’ Forehead

Steven Levy has one of the most sycophantic and interesting articles about the iPod I’ve ever read up on Wired this month. The article sheds light on a number of interesting and new-to-me aspects of the iPod’s creation, like this anecdote about po...

Oct 29, 2006

Letterman rocks

You're trying to put words in my mouth just the way you put artificial facts in your head. Crooks and Liars has the Letterman interview of Bill O’Reilly up. Good stuff.

Oct 29, 2006
Web Design

HTML to be incrementally improved

Apparently, the W3C just isn’t getting enough uptake on XHTML, because it’s simply too hard to shove people in the right direction: The attempt to get the world to switch to XML, including quotes around attribute values and slashes in empty tags a...

Oct 29, 2006
Windows Mobile

Flash Lite 2.1 Preview for Windows Mobile 5

Apparently, I’m late to get on the bandwagon, but I just found out that Adobe released a preview of Flash Lite 2.1 for Windows Mobile 5 last month. I think this is a pretty big deal. With this, you’re now able able to deploy Flash content on Symbi...