Aaron Brethorst (Page 114)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 28, 2006
UI Design

Unexpected value in paper prototyping

Jan Miksovsky talks about unexpected value found in ‘crude’ prototyping: A counter-intuitive principle of soliciting early design feedback is that people reviewing a highly polished design may concentrate on superficial details and overlook fundam...

Oct 28, 2006

Cheer up, emo kid!

I dyed my hair black for halloween earlier today. I also bought black eyeliner and the world’s ugliest button up sweater. I am, god’s word, being an emo kid for halloween. In a few minutes, I am going to wander over to QFC and buy a six pack of PB...

Oct 27, 2006

The other 90%

One of my favorite adages in software development is that the first 90% of your project takes 90% of the time; The last 10% takes the other 90% of the time (my other favorite is “time, quality, features: pick two”). I discovered this firsthand a l...

Oct 26, 2006

Six years, one face

A guy I work with just forwarded this onto me. It’s a bit outside the scope of “UI Design,” but still interesting. Noah Kalina has taken pictures of himself everyday for the past six years, every one of which is archived on his website and also in...

Oct 25, 2006

Suing for Accessible Surfing

From the Associated Press: Last month a federal judge in California allowed the [National Federation for the Blind's] case [suing Target Corp. for an accessible web site] to proceed, rejecting Target's argument that its Web site wasn't subject to ...