Aaron Brethorst (Page 115)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 25, 2006
Web Design

A poorly debugged set of device drivers

Proving once again that black is the new pink is the new bell bottoms, Don Dodge today links Om Malik, who states that: The browser is the new OS. Yes, we've heard this before, and if you're quietly groaning right about now, I can understand why.....

Oct 24, 2006

I’m Back

I got back into Seattle last night at 11PM Pacific time. I actually feel pretty good right now, which is surprising given that I was in the air for 17 hours yesterday (ATH to ATL to SEA), and traveling for a total of 24. I’ll be back to a regular ...

Oct 23, 2006
Web Design

Are you Web 2.0 enough?

So, the guys from 30secondrule.com were apparently sitting around… commenting on how so many people are talking Web 2.0 this and Web 2.0 that, and while so doing these people point out one or a dozen sites or features or hacks, yet it’s still near...

Oct 22, 2006
Customers and Community


I just found a fantastic blog entry on user experience bingo. Ever seen bullshit bingo? Same thing, except with Ux terms. As the author of these bingo cards, Mark DeHoog, puts it, I seem to hear this cry from so many in many leadership or industry...

Oct 21, 2006

Atlas, the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions

Scott Guthrie, the General Manager of the .NET Developer Platform team, has a fantastic video up on the ASP.NET website that demos some of the cool features in the ASP.NET AJAX toolset, formerly known as Atlas. At the risk of sounding sycophantic,...