Aaron Brethorst (Page 116)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 20, 2006

What' up with Aero Basic?

An article on shell revealed goes into a great deal of depth about why the Windows Vista Aero Basic theme looks the way it does. Why does Aero have a solid 1-pixel black border inside the frame, and Aero Basic doesn't? Because the DWM is ren...

Oct 20, 2006

Greek Toilets

From Greek Island Notes: For some incomprehensible reason, sewer pipes in Greece are of such small calibre that toilet paper invariably clogs them up causing a calamitous backup of sewage. So, instead of being dropped into the pan, used toilet pap...

Oct 19, 2006
Web Design

Tantek on the joy of mashups

Tantek Çelik and Leah Culver competed in the Yahoo Hack Day competition a couple weeks back, and won a 30GB iPod for their trouble. Their 2nd place-taking hack combined the Yahoo Mail APIs with Flickr and a Greasemonkey script, which would send a ...

Oct 18, 2006

Is Windows Media Player a Failure?

No, I don’t think it is. On the contrary, Windows Media Player 11 is actually my favorite media player on the market, handily beating iTunes 7 in terms of speed, usability, and aesthetics. That said, as it was put in MS Tech Today: I’m confused ab...

Oct 17, 2006
Customers and Community

Khoi Vinh' 3 Question Interview with Zeldman

Khoi Vinh has a three-question interview with Jeffrey Zeldman up on his website. Khoi interviewed Zeldman in advance of an appearance Zeldman will be making at the Small Talks series at AIGA New York, today. Sadly it appears that the talk has been...