Aaron Brethorst (Page 117)

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Oct 16, 2006

Making a Splash

In just over a month my least favorite time of year, the holiday shopping frenzy, will begin in earnest. On the 12th, Microsoft announced that “More than 250 hardware and software products from over 50 industry partners have received either the Ce...

Oct 14, 2006

When Good UI Goes Bad

Dave Vronay has a post up on shell revealed about features that didn’t quite make it into Windows Vista, like Mimesweeper, not-very-safe Delete and a TECO interpreter for the Start Menu: This was really a great feature, and it was nice to cater to...

Oct 14, 2006


Hi there - I am composing this on Thursday, October 12 around 11:30PM Pacific time, in Seattle. At the time this message is published, I will be touching down in Athens, Greece. It will about 9:50 AM in Athens, and I’ll probably be stumbling aroun...

Oct 13, 2006

All Photos, All the Time and the Mac Ethos

One of my favorite Mac apps in the whole wide world is Pandora, a Google Images scraper. Version 2.0 of the app came out fairly recently, and includes a ton of new functionality, including support for finding files of any type and an open plugin a...