Aaron Brethorst (Page 118)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 12, 2006

Visualizing Air Traffic Data

Aaron Koblin, who does…something or another with Design and Media Arts at UCLA, has published a series of movies and pictures that visualize the state of air traffic across the United States.

Oct 12, 2006

For All Seasons

Andreas Mueller created a series of interactive vignettes entitled For All Seasons back in 2004. It’s quite difficult to explain, so I’ll leave it to him: [For All Seasons is a] piece about memories, seasons and using the elements of the textual r...

Oct 11, 2006
Web Design

Emma starts a Web 2.0 Haters Club - can I join?

Emma Dobrescu, a multilingual Romanian web designer of some repute, expressed her hatred for Web 2.0 on her blog yesterday: I’ll tell you the truth, I’m not an AJAX hater, I don’t despise collaborative applications, I am all for the rich user expe...

Oct 10, 2006


I’m a bit perplexed as to what’s going on at Google right now. Less than two months ago, Marissa blogged about changes to the Google homepage, including the addition of Google Video to the main bar. The rumormill spun up to state very loudly that...

Oct 10, 2006

Create color palettes from your photos

I just ran across a cool web application that generates a two color palettes (one “dull” and one “vibrant”) from any photo that you submit to it. Seems like it could be quite handy. (via etc.)