Aaron Brethorst (Page 119)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 09, 2006
Windows Forms

Color Pickers

I needed a color picker control for a project I’m working on in my free time (which I hope will see the light of day in the next week or two!). I ran across a couple very nice-looking ones during a cursory search. Hopefully they’ll prove useful to...

Oct 08, 2006

Make Your Cocoa App a Little More Consistent

One of my biggest beefs with Apple is the amount of time and energy they expend on the ‘you must follow the Apple Ux Guidelines’ mantra, followed by releasing applications that look nothing look their own guidelines. What this ends up meaning to y...

Oct 06, 2006

Usability Glossary

I found a snazzy glossary of usability terms by way of Nikki Chau. It contains over a thousand entries on everything from accessibility aids to WIMP interface.

Oct 06, 2006
Interior Design

Ten cool places to work

Positive Sharing discussed ten really cool workplaces yesterday, ranging from Pixar with their individually styled ‘huts,’ to Red Bull London with a series of slides to transport you between different floors. A Flickr feed with all of the pictures...

Oct 06, 2006
UI Design

An interactive interaction design conversation

Dan Saffer, a Senior Interaction Designer at Adaptive Path, is the guest of the latest conversation on the Inkwell.vue. Dan recently released a book entitled Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Applications and Clever Devices. I haven’t had ...