Aaron Brethorst (Page 120)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 05, 2006

Reach out and touch someone

I’ve tossed this post into the marketing category, but it’s really anything but. Marketing, to me, implies a deeply impersonal one-to-many relationship. Blogs, coupled with websites like Technorati, give you the ability to manage one-to-one relati...

Oct 05, 2006

Double-fisting with Guiness and tea at the Venture All-Stars Party

I attended the Venture All-Stars party tonight, followed by a trip over to my friend Rachel’s apartment to hang out and catch up. Rachel is a complete “n00b” when it comes to computers, and assumes that being Scobleized is something rather dirty. ...

Oct 04, 2006

Selling to small business: ease of use is key

I suppose this won’t come as a shock to many people, but it’s always nice to hear messages like this reiterated by people outside of the Ux community. Dharmesh Shah, author of OnStartups, posted an article today about seven key insights in selling...

Oct 04, 2006

Blind Programming

Want to know how blind developers really work? Ask them. Sign up for the Blind Programming mailing list. Although I certainly do not speak for that community, the people I’ve spoken to have always appreciated knowing that the people creating devel...

Oct 03, 2006

Seattle Mind Camp

I’ll be at Seattle Mind Camp this year. Will you? What happens when you put 250 of Seattle's smartest geeks in a creative environment for 24 hours? We're not sure either, but we'd like to find out. It's time to meet and connect with those involved...