Aaron Brethorst (Page 121)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 03, 2006
Web Design

Following that Web 2.0 Style

I just found a reasonably interesting article on designing for that “Web 2.0 look and feel”. The author sums up the basics of ca. 2006 web design as: * Simple layout * Centered orientation * 3D effects, used sparingly * S...

Oct 02, 2006
UI Design

Helvetica: not just for documents any more

A while back my dev lead, Paul, pointed out to me that all of the new signage going up inside of Microsoft was printed in Segoe, the new Windows Vista font. I might not have ever noticed this had he not pointed it out. Naturally, when I heard abou...

Oct 01, 2006

Windows System Colors

I went looking for a concise guide to all of the default Windows system colors at work on Friday, but couldn’t find one anywhere. So…I decided to create my own. The table below shows you what the default values are for Windows’ system color palett...

Oct 01, 2006

Project Runway contestant takes top prize in Yahoo Hack Day

‘Dirty’ Diana Eng, a contestant from Season 2 of Project Runway, and two other women, Emily Albinski and Audrey Roy, neither of whom I have a crush on, took the top prize at Yahoo’s Hack Day ‘06 with their Blogging in Motion project, which combine...

Oct 01, 2006

More Cozi Goodness

OK, I gotta admit it: I really do like Cozi Central. If it wasn’t for the fact that I am a single male, aged 24, I would be using this thing non-stop. Unfortunately(?), I have no wife and no kids. Whew. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all....