Aaron Brethorst (Page 122)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 01, 2006

Inflection Points

In retrospect, you can always say to yourself: “yep, that’s the exact point in time where everything changed.” Hindsight is 20/20, especially when you’re examining massive changes in your life. What’s really tricky is spotting them before they’ve ...

Sep 28, 2006

You are not done yet!

I wanted to share a fantastic blog posting on accessibility that I just found by way of Coding Horror. As part of Michael Hunter’s DDJ blogging series entitled “YOU ARE NOT DONE YET,” Michael posted a great list of accessibility scenarios that sho...

Sep 28, 2006

Project Runway - whew! !!SPOILER ALERT!!

I’m so glad Michael, Uli and Laura made it. I think the idea of having four designers show at Olypus Fashion Week is a nice change from past seasons. Nothing deep to add beyond that, just wanted to share. And for those of you who are at a loss…

Sep 27, 2006

The Shrillness of Conservative Whackjobs

Every now and then I get into a masochistic mood, prompting me to read NewsMax, a proud purveyor of mainstream American notions and values, like “Bill Clinton hates America,” or “MoveOn.org is sponsored by a crazy, liberal billionaire who is tryin...

Sep 27, 2006
Windows Mobile

Simplify UI Development for Native Windows Mobile Apps

Mel Sampat from the Windows Mobile team blogged about a new UI management library, called ScreenLib, that dramatically simplifies creating native user interfaces for Windows Mobile applications: [ScreenLib] takes away a lot of the pain of designin...