Aaron Brethorst (Page 123)

Elsewhere on the web

Sep 27, 2006

An auspicious number

Back in July, I decided to create a new weblog where I could share my thoughts on UI design and User Experience (especially the snarkier ones) with the world, and keep my writing skills (shabby though they may be) from deteriorating completely. I ...

Sep 26, 2006

new design slowly creeping in

I became tired of my rather pathetic looking home page, and redesigned it a while back. I put the project on hold about two weeks ago when my priorities dictated otherwise, and didn’t have a chance to resume the project until today. I hope to repl...

Sep 26, 2006

Cozi Central launches, families can breathe a little easier

Cozi just launched their first product, Cozi Central. I’ve mentioned them before in conjunction with their Chief Product Officer, Jan Miksovsky, who was formerly a UI Architect at Microsoft and is a strong proponent of inductive user interfaces. ...

Sep 25, 2006

Vista' New Start Menu

The Windows Vista love-in on my UI Design blog continues unabated! I was browsing through a surprisingly active thread on the Shell Revealed site about the design of the new Vista Start Menu. Not surprisingly, some people love the new Start menu, ...

Sep 24, 2006
UI Design

More Menus (or Aaron Ballman Calls BS on Me)

Aaron Ballman left a comment on this blog last night, raising a good point about needing to pony up a solution to my “I hate menus” dilemma. Unfortunately, I’m not certain what the best solution would be, at least not universally. I don’t think t...