Aaron Brethorst (Page 124)

Elsewhere on the web

Sep 24, 2006

Exposing Expose on Windows Vista

Simon on the (dot)Net released an awesome Vista utility (with source code, might I add), which duplicates the functionality of Apple’s Expose feature on OS X. It’s still a bit rough around the edges, but it’s an awesome example of what can be done...

Sep 23, 2006

Vista and Menus

http://daringfireball.net/linked/2006/september#thu-21-menu_bars_windowsAssuming you’ve used either Windows Vista or Office 12, you have probably noticed a distinct lack of menus (in the traditional sense, at least) in any of these applications. J...

Sep 22, 2006

Who is Jonathan Ive?

Business Week’s next issue has an article exploring Jonathan Ive’s backstory, what he does, and what makes him tick. A fascinating exploration into the “man behind the curtain” at Apple. Ive invests his design dollars in state-of-the-art prototyp...

Sep 21, 2006

Propagandizing Propaganda

My friend Rob forwarded me a link to an interview on AIGA about Aleksandar Macasev’s Joseph Goebbels Project: I am not trying to [create a hero out Goebbels by elevating Goebbels as an icon of information and disinformation], but part of the point...

Sep 20, 2006

Joel on Unusable Mobile Phones

Joel Spolsky rips into Sprint’s new LG Fusic phone: All the "tipping point" theories in the world won’t protect Sprint from the basic truth that the LG Fusic user interface could basically serve as an almost complete textbook for a semester-long c...