Aaron Brethorst (Page 125)

Elsewhere on the web

Sep 20, 2006

All Shell all the Time

The Windows Shell team has a new aggregated blog at shellrevealed.com, which includes posts from everyone from Raymond Chen to Dave Vronay. A great way to stay on top of what’s happening with the team that is most critical to the Windows user expe...

Sep 19, 2006

Gestural Interfaces

Jeff Han, a research scientist at NYU, demonstrated a prototype of a gesture-driven user interface at TED 2006. The “interface-free” UI (I hate terms like that) is demonstrated with several interesting demos, which hew towards data visualization i...

Sep 14, 2006

MT appears to be horked. again.

I write my blog posts on an irregular basis and always schedule them to appear the next morning at 7am. For some reason, Movable Type has not been publishing these for the past few days. Not quite sure why… Sorry about the lack of content.

Sep 14, 2006

Fugliness, thy name is iTunes 7.0

While I was off recruiting impressionable, young college students to come join Microsoft over the past two days, Apple announced a slew of updates, including a new version of iTunes. Unfortunately, Apple seems to have beaten iTunes 7 with the ugly...

Sep 11, 2006

Some Reflections Five Years Later

Five years ago today I woke up to a beautiful fall day in Minnesota. It was sunny, warm, and full of possibilities. I, like everyone else, never expected any of what was to come. I was shaken to my core by a phone call I received from my girlfrien...