Aaron Brethorst (Page 128)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 31, 2006

…a new day

The single most beautiful thing I have ever borne witness to was a Sigur Ros concert in Seattle back in May 2006. There’s a point in one of their songs, entitled viðrar vel til loftárása, where the lead singer, Jónsi, pauses mid-lyric, holding his...

Aug 30, 2006
UI Design

Is an HCI revolution just around the corner?

This month in ACM Queue, John Canny, a distinguished Professor of Engineering at UC Berkeley, poses the question “Is an HCI revolution just around the corner?” Although I generally find breathless prognostications of amazing possibilities Right Ar...

Aug 27, 2006

Aaron' UI Design Blog on hold until Wednesday(?)

I’m off to not-so-warm-and-sunny San Francisco until Tuesday night. I may have time and opportunity to post, but I’m not counting on it. See y’all Wednesday at the latest! In the mean time, go take a look at the following blogs I read on a regula...

Aug 26, 2006
UI Design

Simplicity is Anything But

A fantastic blog entry on 37Signals’ Signal vs. Noise explores the complexity of creating effective, simple user experiences: Sometimes there’s a lot more to simple than meets the eye. To the customer, this is just a few obvious words in a small b...

Aug 25, 2006

KDE' New, Snazzy Start Menu

I found a video of the new start menu for KDE on the Web the other day. It’s actually pretty cool; it looks far more polished than previous versions I’ve seen, it’s resizable, and includes some nice integrated search functionality. One complaint ...