Aaron Brethorst (Page 130)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 22, 2006

Bad Errors and Really Bad Errors

One of my favorite websites, the Daily WTF, posted a laundry list of spot-on examples for how not to write an error message a few days back: Press 'Y' if you promise not to do it again. Error: 1>=0. No! - Bad User!!! ... Do not do this again! O...

Aug 21, 2006

The Dirty Business of Software Updates

Jan Miksovsky wrote a while back about the dirty business of software updates. He describes the difficulty rich client software developers have with updating their software once it’s in the field (truer words were never spoken…it’s a serious pain)...

Aug 21, 2006
UI Design

Is Ugly the New Beautiful?

Will Pearson - a blind doctoral student, Microsoft MVP, and one of my favorite people in the world - posted a comment on my blog this morning about the potentially adverse effects of creating a splash screen that’s actually too attractive: [M]ost ...

Aug 21, 2006

How to Get Teens to Pay for Virtual Content

My friend Rob forwarded me a link to an interesting article this morning, entitled How to Get Teens to Pay for Virtual Content from MarketingSherpa (gotta love that name): Teens register for free and create customizable online characters called Ha...

Aug 20, 2006

Mixed Messages

I’m hanging out in my apartment shirtless. I’m going to play Dead Rising on my Xbox 360 and 32” HDTV. While drinking red wine. I’m not sure what sort of message this sends, but I wanted to share it nonetheless. In other news, it’s my homedog Owen...