Aaron Brethorst (Page 131)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 20, 2006
Web Design

8 Steps to Better Markup

Tantek Çelik of Technorati, Microsoft, and W3C fame published a great article a few weeks back on how to create and serve better XHTML in eight easy steps. I missed this when it first came out, so maybe you haven’t seen it either. It’s all great s...

Aug 19, 2006

Screen Resolution Redux

Last Tuesday, I wrote about Jakob Nielsen’s latest thoughts on screen resolution and web browsing. His conclusion was that you should optimize for 1024x768px, but ensure that the site is still usable at 800x600px. I also posted a breakdown of the ...

Aug 18, 2006

Judging a Book By Its Cover

The GUIdebook is a fantastic archive of OS and application screenshots from the past twenty-plus years. I spent an hour last night browsing through it and rediscovering many old, almost-forgotten friends, including Mac OS 8.0. I could probably wri...

Aug 17, 2006
Web Design

To Hell with Web Standards?

That’s the approach Dare Obasanjo mulled over yesterday on his weblog. He excerpts a blog post from Anne van Kesteren on the subject, discusses his own experiences with the W3C, and ponders our options: The question I sometimes ponder is what's th...

Aug 16, 2006
Web Design

Death of a Salesman…Err, Site Relaunch

Jared Spool of User Interface Engineering published a fascinating article way back in 2003 about the death of the major site relaunch: [T]he best sites have replaced this process of revolution with a new process of subtle evolution. Entire redesig...