Aaron Brethorst (Page 133)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 12, 2006
Web Design

Redesigning my site

Almost on a whim earlier tonight, I decided to rebuild my personal website from scratch. I backed up all of my content from Movable Type, installed a brand-new, spiffy copy of MT 3.31 onto my site’s root and a new database, and let ‘er rip. A few ...

Aug 11, 2006

Scheming Away on Colors

(yeah ok, I haven’t quite figured out what innovation means to me yet. I’m still thinking about it.) Jensen Harris had an interesting post on his blog yesterday about what it took in Office 2003 to maintain the color schemes presented on Windows ...

Aug 11, 2006

A Brief Primer on Fitts' Law

Jeff Atwood of Coding Horror has a great writeup today on Fitts’s Law, which can help you conceptualize the amount of time needed to interact with a user interface (which doesn’t need to be the user interface of a computer; it applies just about e...

Aug 10, 2006

What is Innovation?

In some circles, it’s taken as a basic truth that certain companies have more innovativeness in their pinkies than other companies can muster among all of their 70,000 employees. I am firmly of the belief that this narrow perspective is flawed, at...

Aug 09, 2006

Template Monkeying

For those of you browsing the site directly, you may notice that things look a little…strange today. I’m playing around with the templates and trying to convert the site over to a three-column layout. There are a few things not behaving like they ...