Aaron Brethorst (Page 134)

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Aug 09, 2006
UI Design

Creating Inductive User Interfaces

Jan Miksovsky, formerly of Microsoft, and presently of Cozi (a stealthy Seattle startup), is a huge believer in the power of task-oriented user interfaces. Five years ago, Jan published Microsoft’s official Inductive User Interface Guidelines on M...

Aug 08, 2006

Button Sizing

Pop quiz: what was the correct size of an OK button back in Mac OS 8? If you answered “I have no idea,” you would be in the same boat I was only a few minutes ago. It turns out that the correct size for your OK and Cancel buttons on Mac OS 8 was 5...

Aug 07, 2006

Tabs, Tabs, Everywhere!

The tab control is a fantastic tool for grouping large numbers of related UI elements into a limited amount of space. Jennifer Tidwell, author of Designing Interfaces, provides a set of reasons, use cases and common designs for correctly applying ...

Aug 07, 2006

Leopard' a Bit Underwhelming

Apple’s yearly bring-out-the-faithful shindig, WWDC, kicked off this morning with Steve Jobs’s keynote. I read through the coverage at engadget, and I must say that I am distinctly underwhelmed. Sure, the dual-proc Mac Pro is a lusty piece of hard...

Aug 06, 2006

Sprinkle on a Little Ribbon and You’re Good to…Oh Wait

The Ribbon is the biggest new feature in Office 2007, and probably the biggest new feature for the past few releases of the product. It’s an incredibly cool new feature, and makes Office 2007 significantly easier to use, in my opinion. I’ve seen ...