Aaron Brethorst (Page 136)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 03, 2006
Accessibility Usability Web Design

Web Usability Pet Peeve #37: label is your friend

I am a bad little radio button I am a well-behaved radio button Notice the difference in the behavior of these two radio buttons? Try clicking on the text that accompanies the first radio button, and then try the second one. When you ...

Aug 02, 2006

Proper Care and Feeding of ISVs

Alright, so this post has nothing to do with UI Design, but it has everything to do with Experience (yeah, with a capital ‘E’). That is, it has everything to do with the Developer Experience. You see, developers create software. With tasty, lickab...

Aug 02, 2006

Making Things Happen

The Art of Project Management Today’s blog post is a bit off-topic, but critical to any User Experience Program Manager’s success. Scott Berkun, a former Microsoft PM, allowed MSDN to excerpt the entire first chapter of his book, The Art of Pro...

Aug 02, 2006
Zoon Politikon

Elevators and Minnesota Senators

A great article on the microcosm that is the Senator-only elevators on Capitol Hill is to be found at the New York Times today. A few particularly amusing anecdotes are shared about the elevator, including these two about my beloved Minnesotans: S...

Aug 01, 2006
Web Design

Live Clipboard

Ray Ozzie, the Chief Software Architect of Microsoft, has an interesting demo of “webifying” the clipboard on his blog. The so-called Live Clipboard allows a user to interact with rich data on a webpage in a fashion that is much more akin to a tra...