Aaron Brethorst (Page 138)

Elsewhere on the web

Jul 28, 2006
Windows Mobile

Not Zune Enough!

As everyone and their mother probably knows, now, Microsoft is planning on releasing an iPod competitor in time for Christmas 2006. According to Engadget, Zune is actually the name of the brand and the device, and there are, supposedly, more Zune ...

Jul 28, 2006

Microsoft + Hardware Design = Yum

An article from Business Week discusses the innovation going into PCs for the Windows Vista timeframe. My opinion? It’s about damned time. Why is it that we have to settle for dull, ugly, oversized beige hunks of plastic when the competition has s...

Jul 27, 2006
Web Design

Zen and the Art of CSS

I’m sure this will come as old-hat to everyone out there, but on the off-chance you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend checking out and playing around with the CSS Zen Garden. CSS Zen Garden is a demonstration of what is achievable through corre...

Jul 27, 2006
Video Games

The Unintended Consequences of Software Features

I just found this on YouTube: it’s a video of a new feature with unintended consequences in the video game, MLB 2k6. Basically, a player can jump up to the top of a stadium wall to catch a ball that would otherwise be a home run. Unfortunately, th...

Jul 26, 2006

What' Eating WCAG 2?

Joe Clark, author of Building Accessible Websites (which needs a cover less-reminiscent of a certain web meme, in my opinion), wrote an impassioned tirade against the perceived uselessness of the W3C’s WCAG 2 guidelines back in May. Joe makes a lo...