Aaron Brethorst (Page 14)

Elsewhere on the web

Dec 02, 2010


December 3 – Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). Most alive this year? In vivid detail? There’s one moment that comes to mind that, for legal/...

Sep 13, 2010
Video Games

How to find great deals on video games

A few years back, I had an idea for a website that would let me track all of the console video games I wanted to buy, set a price, and then forget about them until the games finally reached my price threshold. I made a few half-hearted stabs at bu...

Aug 27, 2010
iPhone Rails

Manage Heroku on iPhone and iPad

I’m very excited to announce that my newest iPhone/iPad app, Doppler for Heroku, is now available in the App Store. There is also a product website that shows you how easy it is to manage your Heroku apps from the iPhone. I wrote Doppler because a...

Aug 05, 2010

State Fair Guide for the iPhone

Hey guess what!? In my copious amounts of spare time (aka nights and weekends), I put together a new iPhone application called Fair on a Stick. It’s an interactive iPhone guide to the 2010 Minnesota State Fair, and—best of all—it’ll be totally fre...

Jul 21, 2010

Rita Hayworth

Damn, Rita Hayworth was gorgeous.