Aaron Brethorst (Page 140)

Elsewhere on the web

Jul 24, 2006

Channel 9 Interview with Jenny Lam, the Windows Ux Poobah

This is an oldie, but a goodie. Jenny Lam, Creative Director for the Windows Ux organization, MSX, did an interview with Robert Scoble for Channel 9 a while back, where she chatted with him about “this whole Experience thing.” You can see the 40 ...

Jul 24, 2006

Brand, Identity, and Snarky Commentary

I just stumbled across the Identityworks website, by way of Digg. Although I’ve never seen Identityworks before, it’s rapidly becoming a new favorite. Dating all the way back 1998, the site catalogues brand and logo changes from across the Fortune...

Jul 23, 2006

The Gold-Standard for UI Guidelines

For as long as I’ve been involved in UI design, I have considered the Apple Human Interface Guidelines to be the gold-standard of User Experience guidelines. They are available on Apple’s developer website, and are well-worth reading, regardless o...

Jul 23, 2006

Flickr Tag-Based Picture Browser

Felix Turner, a Flash developer at Brightcove, built a super-nifty swirly, spinny “web 2.0-ish” Flickr picture browser that searches upon tags and returns its results in a nifty little UI. Perhaps not mind-blowing, but it is fun, especially the w...

Jul 23, 2006
Web Design

CSS Listamatic

I found a fun, little page on an Aussie web design site, Max Design that contains a good 50+ CSS-styled horizontal and vertical lists for navigation: http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic