Aaron Brethorst (Page 144)

Elsewhere on the web

Jun 18, 2006
Random Funniness


All we get in Seattle are 60 year old, five foot tall punk lesbians, midgets hitching a ride on the back of wheelchairs, and Link… No, Seriously – Let’s Hit It <p>Old Chinese lady: Ex-see-cus-see me. Old Chinese lady: Ex-see-cus-see me! Gangsta:...

Jun 16, 2006

Writing Feedback

I received some feedback on a document I wrote recently. The commentor stated: You can’t have a sentence with two colons in it. It just isn’t done. Make it two sentences. Or three. Maybe four. Sigh.

Jun 14, 2006

Hello World?

I just downloaded Flock, a “web 2.0 web browser,” which features integrated blog posting, delicious integration, and a number of other interesting features. Just giving it a whirl and seeing if it actually works… <p style="font-size:10px;text-al...

Jun 04, 2006

Tom and Older Blog Posts

Also, I discovered all of my original blog posts still stored in an old database of mine here on brethorsting. They were an unfortunate casulty of my migration to Movable Type 3 a while back. Anyway, you’ll find them in the archive list; just st...

May 23, 2006
Video Games

Sony Embarasses Itself

As a followup to Rrriiiiidge Racer! from last week, I have a five minute video presenting the absolute low-lights of Sony’s E3 Press Conference. Is it somewhat unfair? Yes, certainly. Does it take advantage of all the dumb shit Kaz Hirai had to sa...