Aaron Brethorst (Page 148)

Elsewhere on the web

Feb 26, 2006
Personal Life

Elize and More Pictures

Elize got married yesterday in a very-sudden fashion. It was a small ceremony; not more than 15-20 people. I hadn’t seen a few of the people there in years, literally. It was great to see Elize’s parents again, along with NJ and Melissa. I posted...

Feb 25, 2006
Developer Tools

Stupid Issue with OCUnit

I hit an issue with OCUnit the other day when I was trying to get a project of mine working correctly with it. The issue was that using the macro STAssertEqualObjects anywhere would cause the following build error: error: parse error before ‘type...

Feb 23, 2006

Buying a Phone

So, first off, I just wanted to say that I’m incredibly psyched about the Origami Project, whatever it turns out to be ;-) I sent mail to Scoble earlier today after he hyped it on his blog to tell him how psyched I was. As the subject promised, t...

Feb 20, 2006
Personal Life

Throwing Up

“We would make people literally throw up if they had to listen to us.” You know you’ve crossed that certain irritating cuteness factor when…