Aaron Brethorst (Page 149)

Elsewhere on the web

Feb 20, 2006
Personal Life

I am a Terrible Friend

It took me over a month to figure out that a friend of mine (who I dated briefly last year) has been pissed at me enough for five weeks now to not be willing to speak to me anymore. Yeah, I’m a fuckhead. Yeah, I’ve been way too busy for my own hea...

Feb 14, 2006

Jacktracking: The Post-Modern Timewaster

GridSkipper introduced a new service with the beginning of 24 Day 5 last month, the Jacktracker. The Jacktracker features: Insightful commentary (“Jack is dead. No he’s not. Frank Flynn = Jack Bauer. Frank drills oil, as well as Diane Huxley.”)...

Jan 30, 2006
Random Funniness


Credit for this goes to vinny9 on sillytech.com:

Jan 28, 2006
Personal Life


I’m sitting in a coffee shop a block away from my apartment finishing up some work before heading off to a party celebrating the 25th birthday of one of my designers when, without warning, a motorized wheelchair goes scooting past. Clinging to the...

Jan 24, 2006
Random Funniness

Yakov Smirnoff

On rare occasions, I will read something that is genuinely amusing on Slashdot. I just had one with a Yakov Smirnoff-esque joke, of sorts. yobjob says: “IN CAPITALIST AMERICA, WORK FINISHES YOU!” in response to a fairly involved thread about the ...