Aaron Brethorst (Page 155)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 16, 2005

Interesting Website

In case you’re sick and tired of trying to ferret out real information from predicted flight arrival times, check out flightview.com. They give real-time maps for flights from tons of airlines, including NWA and Alaska.

Oct 11, 2005
Random Funniness

Will You Go to Prom with Me?

db just sent this my way… make sure you have headphones on before watching. Totally safe for work.

Oct 07, 2005
Random Funniness


From the AP: Gregg Miller mortgaged his home and maxed out his credit cards to mass produce his invention — prosthetic testicles for neutered dogs…Neuticles allow a pet “to retain his natural look” and “self esteem.”

Sep 30, 2005
Developer Tools

Don Box!!!

So just as Don Box has something of a rockstar reputation outside of Microsoft, everyone I know inside the company acts in the same way when they’re around him. I was at the MVP Summit last night representing my team when Don comes by. We immedia...

Sep 28, 2005

Runs With Scissors

…and bananas, safety razors, and occasionally small children. But only when I’m about to miss the bus. On a serious note, have you ever tried running for the bus with a latte in one hand and your 20 pound messenger bag stuffed to the gills with b...