Aaron Brethorst (Page 163)

Elsewhere on the web

Apr 10, 2005
Personal Life

Minneapolis, Doncha Know

Justin CJ asked me to post my travel schedule on my blog so he could keep track of it :) I am heading back to Minneapolis this coming Wednesday, April 13 until Sunday. Next up, I’ll be in Orlando from June 5 - 10 for Tech Ed 2005. After that, I...

Apr 10, 2005

iRooster Status Update

Welcome to Week 2 of the iRooster Status Update. I have a couple things to report this week. iRooster - Mac OS X I released v2.1.1 Beta 3 yesterday. It features localizations in French, German, and Spanish. The German localization is complet...

Apr 09, 2005


I have a comment I posted on Slashdot last night that was moderated as: Funny Flamebait Underrated That’s all I can really ask for in life, I suppose… Just a little amusement from Slashdot.

Apr 07, 2005

iRooster is Good For Your Health

A recent study at Case Western Reserve University notes that “listening to soft music at bedtime will help older adults sleep better and longer.” Lullabye in iRooster will help you do just this, and wake you up to music of your choice in the morn...

Apr 05, 2005


The new Gorillaz album, Demon Days, is coming out in May. Yes, next month. It’s only been 4 years since the last one came out. You can get streams of the first single from the Gorillaz website, or reposted below: Audio (WMA) Video There’s al...