Aaron Brethorst (Page 166)

Elsewhere on the web

Mar 20, 2005

YT and Chevette

I just found a fascinating personal account of being a bike messenger over on Kuro5hin. Well worth the read. It’s also good to know that there are certain things that would be undeniably cool to do, but for which I will never have the chops.

Mar 18, 2005
Random Funniness

The World According to the Siamese

“THE END OF ‘THE WORLD’ IS NIGH! It ends at 5:00. And then ‘All Things Considered’ comes on.” Bucky the Cat

Mar 16, 2005

the raindrops, the raindrops

Today was a perfect day for Radiohead. The sky was black and rain was pelting my windshield, and Thom Yorke was … well, you know. And if you don’t, you should.