Aaron Brethorst (Page 167)

Elsewhere on the web

Mar 16, 2005
Video Games


Gamespy: “Are you kidding? It’s like a Koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!”

Mar 14, 2005
Personal Life


Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. Bruce Barton I’ve seen this many times before, but it really caught me for the first time just now. Words to l...

Mar 10, 2005

iRooster Now Known by World+Dog

The talented Josh Pigford from the The Apple Blog just posted his review of iRooster today: iRooster is one of those apps that makes you say “Ahh…now THIS is why I own a Mac.” It’s just so practical. I look forward to what this program could evolv...