Aaron Brethorst (Page 171)

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Dec 27, 2004
Personal Life

It' Official, Life' Weird

I haven’t seen my friend, Hannah Baines, in about 18 months. We got together tonight for a drink at the Kitty Kat Club, one of my favorite places to chill when I’m back in the land of Snow and Purple Rain. I walk in and notice a couple people who ...

Dec 27, 2004

2004 Recap: Music

My top eleven favorite albums from 2004. They didn’t necessarily come out this year, but I was introduced to them this last year. In no particular order. Interpol - Antics Jay-Z + DJ Danger Mouse - The Grey Album Fischerspooner - #1 Ben ...

Dec 19, 2004
Personal Life

Life Happens

Today’s been one of those days best summarized by a list. Nothing very exciting or prose-worthy occurred today. Woke up late, slept for something on the order of 12 hours. I’m finally starting to feel like more than a code-hacking, UI-designin...

Dec 19, 2004

Infinite Streams

I’ve been thinking a lot about infinite streams lately. I haven’t spent any time whatsoever on this concept since I was a freshman in college taking Structure of Computer Programs 1, aka Scheme 101, aka the badass Comp Sci weeder course from hell....