Aaron Brethorst (Page 172)

Elsewhere on the web

Dec 13, 2004

Daily Update on iRooster

I didn’t work on iRooster at all today, but I spent 30 minutes on the Update Manager I have planned. I’ve decided that it’ll be easier than trying to email all of my registered users every time a new major update comes out, and far more polite too...

Dec 06, 2004
Developer Tools

Mac OS X Debugging Magic

You want some real magic, try the debugger in Visual Studio 2005… I’ll stop being a smartass now. There are a lot of super-useful tips in this Apple Technote, still. http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2004/tn2124.html

Dec 03, 2004
Video Games

“Run Away, Run Away!!!”

From Tycho on Penny Arcade today: “Halo has those little grunts, and I guess I’m supposed to feel like a bad-ass when I destroy them but I actually just feel like an asshole. [They seem like they] just fell in with the wrong crowd. What they need ...

Dec 03, 2004
Random Funniness

I Can’t Resist

I finally finished Neal Stephenson’s The System of the World last night. Lucky for me, Elize just gave me my Christmas present today, a signed copy of Chuck Palahniuk’s Lullabye. Cool.

Dec 02, 2004

A CNN WTF Moment

This was the CNN QuickPoll thing the night of Thursday, 2 December 2004. And the only thing I can even think to say is “what the fuck!?” This is utterly bizarre, and far below what I’d expect of CNN. The only thing I can even think of is that wha...