Aaron Brethorst (Page 173)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 28, 2004

What' Your Dress Code?

I just found a heinously strange link through Sahil Malik: http://www.dba-oracle.com/dress_code.htm. This details, in disturbingly exact standards, the dress code for his database consultants. Let’s walk through a couple examples here: Tie - Mu...

Nov 25, 2004

iRooster 2.1

iRooster 2.1 is coming, and it’s going to be really friggin’ cool. I wasn’t intending to make my next release a big deal (it was just going to be 2.0.4), but I was seized by a strong desire to implement a feature…which lead itself to another featu...

Nov 14, 2004
Video Games

Halo 2

Halo 2 is fucking awesome. There’s really no other way I can describe it than that. I only have a few gripes: The ending. I have to wait another 3 years or so to find out what happens after this. Damn it. Matchmaking seems to take forever. H...

Oct 25, 2004
Zoon Politikon

Flailing about Mightily

Hundreds of tons of high explosives are stolen in Iraq after Hussein’s dictatorship collapses. Whose responsibility is it that this happened? According to Scott McClellan, spokesman for the White House, it is a problem that belongs to the interim ...