Aaron Brethorst (Page 177)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 02, 2004

My nieces are the most

My nieces are the most adorable things in the world, bar none. They are Brynnah (who is 4), and Vivian (who, at three weeks of age, is slightly younger than the beer I have in my fridge). This picture was taken on Sept 26 2004 in Geneva, Switzerla...

Oct 02, 2004

iRooster 2.0 Released!!!

I am very happy to announce that I have finally released iRooster 2.0, the best damned alarm clock for Mac OS X. I am extremely excited to finally make this broadly available. I feel like it’s taken me practically forever to get this out the door,...

Sep 29, 2004

Dear Leader Speaks!

I just found the best damned website in the entire world. It’s the English version of the Korean Central News Agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea… aka the official North Korean mouthpiece. Only here can you read the truth about the...

Sep 22, 2004
Random Funniness

God, I love Penny Arcade

Quoth ‘George Lucas:’ “There can be no doubt…that I have gone totally batshit fucking loco.”