Aaron Brethorst (Page 178)

Elsewhere on the web

Sep 19, 2004
Personal Life

Narcoleptic in Seattle

I’m not really, but it sounded like a half-decent blog title. Topics: Life iRooster Work Video Games 1. Life Life is good, by and large. I’m a bit more overworked than usual, but I can’t say I’m too surprised by this. It won’t last m...

Sep 12, 2004
Personal Life

Sleepy Time

I made it back safely from Minneapolis. I just released iRooster 1.2 Beta 2 on my website. I’m sleepy so I will write more later. Cheers, all.

Sep 12, 2004
Video Games


Realistically, I will probably end up buying all of these someday. Short-term, I plan on getting Fable, Halo 2, MGS 3, Half-Life 2, and KOTOR 2. Lotsa cool games coming out soon… Only two of the titles below are not for XBox, curiously ;-). Fable...

Sep 09, 2004

Fred Durst Stuff

I may hate Limp Bizkit, but I’m starting to really like Fred Durst. Did you know he has a weblog now? Did you know that he likes Death Cab for Cutie?

Sep 06, 2004
Personal Life

Mpls Wrapup

I’ve been in Minneapolis since Wednesday, and I haven’t had readily available internet access most of the time. I’ve been chilling out, writing code (iRooster and a little app for work), and catching up with friends and family. iRooster 1.2 Beta ...